21 Anti-Work Memes to Make You Quit Effective Immediately
Carly Tennes
Since the beginning of capitalism, managers have felt the audacity to stape sweet, snarky nothings to the walls of our worksites, encouraging us to work harder at all costs. But two can play at that game. Enter employee-made memes, designed to lament about the struggles of surviving late-stage capitalism ... and help us laugh through the pain.
From how all roads lead to no raises to a premium subscription package that may actually be worth it, here are 21 anti-work memes ... and a few hilariously awful office signs for good measure.
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1. “Pretty aggressive sign at my local Denny’s posted right behind the counter. Been here 15 minutes and already heard a worker complain about being shorted a day on their paycheck. No wonder it’s always short staffed.”
2. “Is this legal? No free water for employees?”
3. “Our local McDonald's often has snide comments on their signs”
4. “Hmmm..... I don't think I will be signing this”
5. No Raise, No Gain
6. "Getting A Job"
7. "Survive"
8. “No one wants to use spell check before they laminate signs anymore!”
9. “It's annual performance review season so I put up a sign.”
11. “They put these signs in the breakrooms...that the customers can AND ARE EXPECTED TO walk through...You will never be gaslit harder by any other employer.”
12. “Sign at a local BBQ joint. (Chattanooga, TN)”
13. “The bosses know exactly what they’re doing.”
14. “We’re a family!”
15. “You don’t hate Mondays.”
16. “Congressional Disapproval”
17. “Anyone else?”
18. “Payment is not enough”
19. “Mmmmm..
20. “How long before the landlords start worrying about workers rights?”
21. “Accurate”
22. “And you think our demands are unreasonable?”
- 21 Anti-Work Memes to Make You Quit Effective Immediately
“Pretty aggressive sign at my local Denny’s posted right behind the counter. Been here 15 minutes and already heard a worker complain about being shorted a day on their paycheck. No wonder it’s always short staffed.”